Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Baby Boy

Justin turned seven last week. He was so excited about this birthday. Justin is such a sweet boy. Out of all of my kids, he is definitely the most affectionate. I am so proud of his growth in this past year. I can tell such an improvement in his demeanor since he has been out of public schools. When he was in Kindergarten, he got in trouble everyday. It was so frustrating for all of us.
Now, he still has his days, but he is beginning to realize the benefits of good behavior. I am so proud of his new attitude. Instead of dreading his work, he puts a smile on his face and gets to the task. He realizes that any task is easier to accomplish with a good attitude.
Justin has always been very shy around his peers. He was the only boy in class that would not say a prayer or quote his memory verse, but that has all changed within the past few months. Last quarter he began reading scripture, leading songs, and prayers in Bible class. His confidence soared due to the positive feedback of his teachers. Last week he did something I did not think he would do for a long time. He led a song and read a scripture in a young men's training class. All of the men were so impressed with him. They had no idea he had such talent. I am so proud of him. I know he will continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Justin's new found confidence is a result of immersion in the Lord's word. I know that he did not get enough Bible time when he was in public school. Now he hears bible stories every day. He studies topics that will help him develop the Christian character so badly needed in men today.
I am so glad I made the decision to raise him in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It is so much better than letting him become a product of the state.

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